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Maxwell Finland Award

for Excellence in Research

The Maxwell Finland Research Award is given annually to one fellow from each of the Massachusetts training programs in infectious diseases.  The fellows are selected by their sponsoring institutions for recognition for research of exemplary quality during their training.


 The award is named in honor of Dr. Maxwell Finland (1902-1987), a great leader in 20th Century medicine, a founder of infectious disease as a medical sub-specialty, and a founder of the Infectious Diseases Society of America.  Dr. Finland spent over 60 years at the Boston City Hospital and Harvard Medical School making major and foundational contributions to the treatment of pneumonia and other infections, antimicrobial chemotherapy, hospital epidemiology, and other aspects of infectious disease research and practice.  He led a program that trained a large number of pioneering infectious disease physicians and scientists.


2023 Finland Awardees

Read more about the Awardees

Prior Finland Awardees

The list of Maxwell Finland Research Awards since 2000 can be found here. 

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